Rejection it Law BHP Continue

Written By Schwarzkophf on Saturday, December 20, 2008 | 7:41 AM

Hundreds of students at the University of Indonesia judgmental in the way of their campus in Depok, West Java, Friday (19/12), as a form of protest it Law Legal Education Agency. They worried admit, the presence of regulations to make this change in the status Hundreds of students at the University of Indonesia judgmental in the way of their campus in Depok, West Java, Friday (19/12), as a form of protest it Law Legal Education Agency. They worried admit, the presence of regulations to make this change in the status of university management and make education more affordable not.

On the other hand, the Rector of UI Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri states, student protests do not see these laws as a whole. There is autonomy and direct management of education can compete in the middle of the competition. For Gumilar, this legislation will be a legal umbrella for universities to find the source of funds and not rely on government subsidies.

Meanwhile in Yogyakarta, dozens of Gajah Mada University students tried to enter space chancellor to protest the presence of Law BHP. They consider this legislation is too commercial, should the cost of education by the government as mandated in the 1945 Constitution.

Meanwhile, in Medan, North Sumatra, a number of student effort, I reject the law with BHP blockade ago, exactly in front of the North Sumatra Islamic University campus. Students burn tires dekas as a form of rejection and oppose government policies that are not aligned to the accused people.