Indonesia Free Bird Flu in 2014

Written By Schwarzkophf on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | 12:39 PM

Indonesia targeted free from the bird flu virus in 2014 through various programs of disease control HPAI (high patogenic Avian Influenza), which attacked poultry phase II during 2009-2011.Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Tjeppy D. Soedjana, in Jakarta, Wednesday, said this time from 33 provinces in Indonesia, the two new bird flu-free, ie, Gorontalo and North Maluku.According to him, the province free of bird flu will be, with the intensification of the program is expected to press capable of poultry mortality."If everything runs smoothly, the national bird flu can be free in 2014," he said.
In the years ahead, he added, before the April 2009 West Kalimantan ready to get the bird flu-free status and the expected further followed other provinces in Kalimantan.From Deptan notes, the bird flu virus during 2008 is spread in 294 districts in 31 provinces in Indonesia which caused the death of poultry in a national reach 46,014 head.The level of the spread of bird flu during this year's higher than three years ago that only in 158 districts and cities in 25 provinces while the number of deaths ungga reached 1.06 million head.
To cope with the spread of bird flu in animals, according to the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry, the regional government set four
Indonesia targeted free from the bird flu virus in 2014 through various programs of disease control HPAI (high patogenic Avian Influenza), which attacked poultry phase II during 2009-2011.
Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Tjeppy D. Soedjana, in Jakarta, Wednesday, said this time from 33 provinces in Indonesia, the two new bird flu-free, ie, Gorontalo and North Maluku.According to him, the province free of bird flu will be, with the intensification of the program is expected to press capable of poultry mortality."If everything runs smoothly, the national bird flu can be free in 2014," he said.
In the years ahead, he added, before the April 2009 West Kalimantan ready to get the bird flu-free status and the expected further followed other provinces in Kalimantan.From Deptan notes, the bird flu virus during 2008 is spread in 294 districts in 31 provinces in Indonesia which caused the death of poultry in a national reach 46,014 head.The level of the spread of bird flu during this year's higher than three years ago that only in 158 districts and cities in 25 provinces while the number of deaths ungga reached 1.06 million head.To cope with the spread of bird flu in animals, according to the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry, the regional government set four main priorities as during 2009-2011.
Java is the fourth regional section includes the West Jakarta, Banten and West Java, Central Java Region, East Java, Yogyakarta, South Sulawesi, Lampung, Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, except the regional and Bali.In addition, the region is a low prevalence of Maluku, Papua, West Papua, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Bangka Belitung, and the Regional free of bird flu, namely North Maluku and Gorontalo.
During 2009-211, added, the government will also make the control of HPAI in a progressive, so that the disease can reduce the impact of bird flu on commercial poultry production and welfare of the communityOther efforts to combat the spread of bird flu in poultry that is tracking down the team and quickly perespon disease HPAI (PDSR).Since established in 2006 up to now has trained 2,200 officers PDSR spread in 27 provinces, covering 342 districts and cities.Government intervention will also perform traditional markets that sell live poultry and poultry shelter as a step intensification of the spread of the bird flu virus in poultry.
According to Tjeppy, market intervention traditional marketing chain and poultry is done through the arrangement of market poultry, shelter birds, poultry abattoir and poultry transportation system.