Recognition of the value is excessive CIA Agent

Written By Schwarzkophf on Thursday, November 27, 2008 | 11:04 PM

Tudingan that former Vice President Adam Malik is the agent Intelejen the United States Agency (CIA) is still a debate. Recognition of Clyde McAvoy, a former CIA officer who had served in Jakarta, torn invite pro and contra. Military observer Andi Wijayanto rate, recognition of former CIA agent is excessive, especially when the only claim unilateral.

According to the National Security Archive or the U.S. National Security Archive, a telegram from the U.S. Ambassador in Jakarta that time, Marshall Green, who directed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the U.S.. Green has been giving his money worth 50 million rupiah or U.S. $ 10 thousand to Adam Malik. However, Vice President Jusuf Kalla strongly rejected the possibility of Adam Malik as a CIA agent