Buyers from U.S. Schedule Change Order

Written By Schwarzkophf on Monday, November 17, 2008 | 10:03 PM

Recessionary impact that the United States and Europe began to jump garment industry in the country. Not only closing factories, garment industry, which still operates ordered also decreased. Delivery schedule also diperketat so that the threat of cancellation can occur at any time. "Currently, they are more selective and reduce their orders per month," said Andreas Budiasih Arief, one of the management of garment industry in Bandung, West Java, recently. 

This condition is not frustrated cause of concern will be the occurrence of termination of employment (lay). However, workers can expect through this situation without the need to lay. "We believe we can still exist," said Kasiatun, garment workers. 

Association of Indonesia predict the potential reduction of garment industry employees will be greater in 2009. This must be anticipated that businessmen. "Approximately tergerus around nine to 11 percent," said Benny Soetrisno, Chairman of the API.