Amrozi Group The Prisoners

Written By Schwarzkophf on Thursday, November 13, 2008 | 2:04 AM

Approximately at 00.15 WIB, Sunday (9 / 11), three prisoners died Amrozi, Ali Gufron and Imam Samudera to death by execution shot. The prisoners were faced with a number of squad shoot with the 12 members of Mobile Brigade each shift. 
Execution in Bukit Nirbaya Nusakambangan, Cilacap, Central Java, or about four kilometers from the Stone LP. After the execution, remains the team doctor checked to ensure that third The prisoners has died. 
Next to the corpse was brought to Stone LP wherefore. According to Head Center for Law Attorney General, Jasman Panjaitan, who represented the family Ali Fauzi, took bath corpse. 
Currently, the Brimob troops disiagakan in Solokuro, Tenggulun, Havant regency, East Java. They guard around the village of prisoners died of cases I Bali bombings Amrozi and Ali Gufron. Estimated 2,000 personnel is in place. 

Troops in Tenggulun equipped with a number of car pioneer and an ambulance. This team will secure the evacuation process remains Amrozi and Ali Gufron when brought home to Solokuro made this morning. Meanwhile, hundreds of Surabaya, to encourage home Amrozi. The atmosphere should be felt directly at the residence of brothers Amrozi and Ali What Gufron heard news that the execution has been carried out. 

The family will immediately prepare the corpse for burial after arrival. Cadaver will be buried at home mourning after the first was brought to the mosque Baitul Muttaqin and to the Places of Public Funeral Tenggulun village.

Tight vigil is also visible around the residence of Imam Samudra in Lopang Gede, Lopang village, Serang, Banten. Each vehicle is checked when entering the area. 

Residents around and sympathetic approach the continuous flow residence Imam Samudera. Some residents had also dig a hole lawout house not far from Imam Samudra. However, journalists are taken from a short distance and using the camera lights. 

The wife of Imam Samudera, Zakiah Derazat, deliver apology to local residents. Imam Samudra says the family will do the legal resistance of the death of Imam Samudera. Family up to now still waiting for arrival corpse Imam Samudera, which is estimated to arrive at 08.00 WIB. 

Increased security also continue to be done in Java. Police Sukoharjo, Central Java, for example, continue Taking her vehicle into the area. 

This is done because a number of terrorist actors in the country seemed caught in the powder. In fact, Portsmouth had recorded a variety of storage of explosive materials will be used by terrorists in several areas in Indonesia. 

While jockey Robbie similar held in Mojokerto, East Java. Production takes place at the Jalan Gajah Mada, which is the entrance gate of the city. Police stop and check all vehicles passing through these channels. 

Implementation of the execution of the death Amrozi cs seems to answer all questions. Despite the execution of death, but also the time came. Execution has been carried out and pick the third death The prisoners holds the title of most dangerous terrorists because they are considered proven Bali bombing mastermind I detonation on October 12 2002, which kill more than 200 people. 

Amrozi "I penyuplai bomb materials" cuek known and seemingly not care about the case. That is the nature of Amrozi bin Nurhasyim. Because attitudes that Amrozi is known as the smiling assassin Assassin or a smile. Attitude cueknya also make judges complain because the fifth of 13 children are rejected testify. 

Amrozi arrested at his home in the village of Tenggulun. Amrozi assisted Ali Imron duty to buy explosives and car L-300 is known to be used to carry equipment bombardment. 

The prisoners other dead, Ali Gufron alias Muklas. He is a brother uterus Ali Imron and Amrozi. Muklas who speaks fluent Arabic and English has become an important figure for the second Her younger sister. Muklas willingly leave the course and went to Afghanistan to join the Mujahidin nation. Muklas acknowledge involved a series of bomb detonation in Indonesia during 2001. In the Bali bombings I, Muklas served a search of funds for the bomb maker. 

The last is Abdul Aziz alias Imam Samudera. Men origin Kampung Lopang Gede known as the Internet craze were living in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In those countries, Imam Samudera suspected learning problem weapons and bombs. Imam Samudera were arrested without resistance at a bus Merak Port. He is known designer pengebomam Bali bombings I